Thursday, March 28, 2013


Not that not all words in a language aren't essential… but they aren't. If you are stranded somewhere where no one speaks the same language as you it's a little more important to learn how to say things like:

"My name is ___"
"Where is the bathroom?"
"I need to use the telephone."
"Please help me!"

rather than less important things like:

"To be, or not to be: that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler… blah blah blah." Well, you get the idea.

Which is why I've created what I am calling: CAROLINE'S TOP 10 MOST IMPORTANT SIGNS THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW, or CTTMISTYSK for short. 

Know how to introduce yourself. It's important, because you're important, and people need to know who you are. You're a big deal!

Also know how to sign your name. When introducing yourself you sign your name using the alphabet. Learn your name, seriously I'm just trying to save you embarrassment. Nothing seems stupider than not even knowing how to spell your own name.

Here is the alphabet

You need to know how to be polite, and that includes asking people how they are, to which they will almost always respond with: "Good"

Seriously though have you ever had a conversation with an acquaintance what didn't include "Hi, how are you?"

It's very important to ask if someone is deaf or hearing. It isn't considered rude. Deaf people are in no ways ashamed of being deaf, and it is not a disability.

When ya gotta go, you gotta go.

5. Food / Drink

nom nom nom

6. Want / Need

How are you ever going to get things if you don't know how to ask for them?

7. Slower

This one is very important, especially for those just learning ASL. Deaf people can sign ridiculously fast. It's amazing, I don't know how they do it! While beautiful, it can be very hard to understand if you are not fluent, so you can use this sign to ask them to repeat and slow down.

Salutations! These are easy!

You may know this sign from the The Gratitude Campaign, which you can watch here:

I'm not sure if this ever actually caught on, or what variation of thank you they are using (I sign it from the lips, not the chest), but it's a good application. 

Being a teenage girl, I am required by the laws of nature to find things annoying. So this is just a sign of a word that I find people use very frequently to express their emotions. Unfortunately there isn't a sign that mean "annoying" exactly, but this works well enough. 

11. Help

Whether you've been kidnapped, your car broke down, or you just need a little help with your math homework.

12. I love you 

Aw this is corny, but I think it's cute to know how to say I love you in multiple languages. Most people already know this sign.

Ooops, I guess its actually Caroline's Top 12 Signs…. at least the acronym stays the same!



  1. I think that you are correct in thinking that it is important for somebody to know these signs, not just in case they need to ask something of a deaf person but if somebody deaf needs something of them. At least a lot of signs that aren't actually SIGN LANGUAGE can be used. General body language. I think this is true for all languages, so you can help and communicate with different people, especially in the melting pot that is America!

    1. You're right Cara! Facial expressions and body language are important in all languages, but especially is ASL. I like to equate facial expression to tone of voice. You make a question face and it's like inflection. You make an angry face and your signs become heated. It's really cool how you can change the meaning of a sign with your body.

      Personally, when I learn a sign I usually practice it normally, and then I try to make it seem angry or sarcastic. It amuses me.

  2. I love how throughout your project you've taught not only yourself but others. I love the little explanations you give after each top sign, they're really funny! -- especially the "annoying" one. Your love for ASL is kinda contagious, I've been thinking of learning some signs myself. I know the perfect place to start!

    1. Julia! Learn some! It would be so fun we could talk to each other!!!

  3. Hi Caroline, I think it is so cool that you have advanced enough with sign language to be able to pick all of your favorite signs. You have definitely developed your voice in these blogs and it was enjoyable to read. I can't wait to see your TED talk and to see you sign in person!

  4. Hey Caroline,
    I think that this is a really cool idea. I think it would be awesome for everyone to learn to sign. Your passion for signing is so cool and it makes me want to learn how to sign. My favorite part of this blog is when you say, "It's important, because you're important." Thanks. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Sam. Unfortunately that part wasn't aimed at you... awk
